Penggunaan Past Perfect Continuous

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The Past Perfect Continuous

Past flawless nonstop tense adalah tense (kala) yang dipakai untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang menekankan pada lama durasi dari peristiwa itu terjadi, sedang past immaculate tense hanya menekankan pada peristiwa saja, tanpa menghiraukan berapa durasinya.

Past impeccable basic:

I HAD learned English in New York a year ago

(saya TELAH belajar bahasa Inggris di New York tahun kemarin)

Pada past impeccable tense ini hanya peristiwa saja yang ditekankan.

Past Perfect consistent:

I HAD BEEN learning English 3 years in New York.

(saya TELAH belajar bahasa Inggris selama 3 tahun di New York)

Pada past flawless continous ini kita menekankan durasi.


Had + been + customized structure kerja - ing


Saya mengatakan begini, karena kemarin (past) ada suatu peristiwa:

I wasn't focusing. Was the ground wet? Had it been pouring?

(Saya tidak memperhatikan, apakah tanahnya basah? hujankah?)

Perbandingannya dengan Past Perfect Tense.

Past Perfect Continuous (PPC)

Past Perfect (PP)

Over a period (had been doing)

Complete (had done)

I found the adding machine. I'd been searching for it for a very long time. Vicky felt tired in light of the fact that she'd been working throughout the day. We are thinking about Vicky's work going on as she got worn out.

I at last purchased another adding machine. I'd searched wherever for the bygone one. Vicky felt satisfied on the grounds that she'd accomplished such a great deal. We are thinking if Vicky's work as complete.

Menyatakan lama durasi

Menyatakan jumlah kuantitas

At the point when the organization failed, it had been losing cash FOR MONTHS.

At the point when the organization failed, it had lost OVER A MILLION POUNDS.

Perbandingannya dengan Present Perfect Continuous

PrPC: Vicky looks upset. I believe she's been crying.

(Vicky terlihat sangat galau. Aku pikir dia sedang menangis.)

PPC: Vicky looked upset. I thought she'd been cyring.

(Vickt terlihat sangat galau. Aku pikir dia telah menangis.)

Perbandingannya dengan Past Continuous

PC: When I called, Natasha was having a piano exercise. (I called during the exercise).

(Ketika saya menelpon, Natasha sedang belajar piano)

PPC: When I called, Natasha had been having a piano exercise. (I called after the exercise).

(Ketika saya menelpon, Natahsa sudah belajar piano)

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